Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Migraines can might make you lose

Migraines, they are the worst. You are lucky if you do not ever get one in your lifetime. In a blog post by Eileen Smith, who blogs about politics in Texas and nation wide, I was able to learn more about Michele Bachmann, one of the candidates for the Republican nomination in the 2012 U.S. presidential elections.

Smith talks about how Bachmann suffers from severe migraines - migraines that are so bad that there have been occasions she was unable to fulfill her congressional duties. Smith provides a link to an article from Politico which tells about many times Bachmann had to take a break because of her severe migraines. There was a time in May 2010 that her migraine forced her to go to her office and lie down in the dark.  This is causing the media to question how Bachmann’s severe migraines will affect her fitness for president. Karl Rove, who is from Fox news, believes that Bachmann should release her medical records so that U.S. voters can be reassured she is physically capable.

After reading Smith’s blog made me question if someone like this should run for office. But I agree with what Smith is saying that the media is taking Bachmann’s migraine issue and is blowing it up to make a big deal about something. Yes Bachmann can take medicine for her migraines but then who would want a president who is medicated with pain relievers all the time?

Smith also talked about the other candidate for the 2012 U.S. presidential elections, our own Gov. Rick Perry. Implying that she does not know which is better, having someone who has to take breaks because of severe migraines or someone who does not even do his work 70% of the time. She posted a link to another blog she wrote saying that the Bill White campaign asked for Governor Perry’s official work calendar for 2010 and according to it Perry did not do any state work on 24 out of 72 business days. Which personally is not surprising.

The blog post from Smith just opened my eyes to how hard it is going to be to pick a candidate I want to support for the 2012 U.S. presidential elections.

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